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We develop and manufacture ultra-sensitive low light imaging solutions for both ground and space applications

About us

Founded in 2010 in the heart of Montreal

Nüvü Camēras innovates with its world’s most sensitive imaging technology

Passionate about pushing the limits of modern technology, co-founders Marie-Eve Ducharme and Olivier Daigle created Nüvü Camēras to allow scientists and professionals alike to explore interesting new territories that have hitherto remained uncharted. Based on an innovation developed for space exploration, Nüvü Camēras’ photon-counting imaging expertise meets the demanding needs of many other applications such as biomedical and medical diagnostics, night vision, quantum communication and manufacturing quality control just to give a few examples.

Roots of our innovation

Nüvü Camēras’ ultra-sensitive imaging technology was born after 8 years of intense research and development. Dr. Daigle developed the first prototype of Nüvü Camēras technology during his Ph.D. in physics at the University of Montreal with the Experimental Astrophysics Laboratory of the Astrophysics Research Centre of Quebec, in collaboration with Photon etc. inc. as well as the participation of the Astrophysics Laboratory of Marseille.

Thanks to significant noise reduction, one of the major advantages of Nüvü Camēras’ ground-breaking products is its innovative sensitivity. Such improvement boosts the equipment efficiency in applications requiring short exposure periods or that take place in extremely low lighting conditions.

The considerable benefits for several fields of applications made it easy for Ms. Ducharme to convince Dr. Daigle, with whom she had already been working with for several years, to partner in this adventure, especially since the timing was perfect for the two. Ms. Ducharme was ready for her 2nd successful startup in high technology imaging, but now as one of the founders! In parallel, by the end of his thesis, Dr. Daigle was very enthusiastic to allow scientists worldwide to benefit from his discovery.

Unique ecosystem for unique competitive advantages

After a five-year immersion in a science and research environment at the University of Montreal Incubator, the company has moved its facilities in the Innovation District of Montreal in 2015 beside the engineering campus École de Technologie Supérieure, to honour its growth. On top of a multidisciplinary dream team, Nüvü Caméras has unique partnerships to keep sensitive imaging ahead.

Besides having the unique capability of extending down the image to the level of a single photon with its intellectual property portfolio, Nüvü Caméras is the 1st and only business that has developed an EMCCD imaging solution for the space environment. It is also the only business that offers support for all types of EMCCD detectors to serve any type of application in demanding low light imaging and offers custom services to accelerate end-users discoveries.

Award-Winning Business Model

Recognized to be concentrated on added value

Focusing on its expertise, Nüvü Camēras is only committed to offering products and services that it can deliver.

Nüvü Camēras business model has received numerous awards at the Québec Entrepreneurship Contest, including the Grand Prix GURU for the Greater Montreal Area across all categories, in addition to the recognition from Manufacturer and Exporter Quebec, the National Research Council of Canada, Montréal Inc. Foundation and PME Montréal GSO.

Team & Partnerships

Imaging Expertise

Since 2010, the company has brought its expertise to the forefront with its highly referenced publications, numerous internationally renowned clients and innovation alliances at the cutting edge of technology and science.

Nüvü Camēras unique multidisciplinary team, composed of engineers, scientists and technicians focused on the design, manufacture and integration of ultra-sensitive imaging products, are continuously challenged to provide complete innovative imaging solutions to the most demanding applications in low light conditions.

Here are examples of the diversified experts available at Nüvü Camēras: Space Integration Engineer, Quantum Physics Application Expert, Linux Software Scientist, Windows Software Engineer, FPGA Design Engineer, Embedded Software Engineer, Opto-Mechanical Engineer.

Executive Management

Marie-Eve Ducharme

President & CEO

Olivier Daigle

Vice-President & CTO

Stéphane Tremblay

Corporate Affairs Director

Étienne Colpron

Manufacturing Director

Yoann Gosselin

Director of Sales

Contributors to success

Apart from its team, advisors, customers, innovation partners and suppliers, we thanks the following organizations

Contact us to take advantage of our CCD & EMCCD expertise
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